Sharon Biggs Waller is the Friends of American Writers award winning author of the critically acclaimed young adult novels The Forbidden Orchid, A Mad, Wicked Folly, and Girls on the Verge. She’s also author of the Kindle Vella series Betwixt and Between. She writes for magazines about horses, chickens, and farming, and she’s a co-author of The Original Horse Bible. Previously, she worked as a riding instructor at the Royal Mews in Buckingham Palace and as a national park ranger at Indiana Dunes National Park, Grand Canyon National Park, and Cabrillo National Monument. In addition to writing, she is a dressage rider and trainer, a fiber artist, and a Planned Parenthood clinic escort. She lives on a 10-acre sustainable hobby farm in a ghost town in Northwest Indiana with her husband Mark, two horses, ten dairy goats, four cats, three dogs, ten laying hens, and a gaggle of geese.
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